•  September 27, 2024
     11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Join us & learn what services WWBIC offers such as: quality business training, business loans, one-on-one coaching support, and financial wellness training. Whether you are exploring, prospecting, or are a practicing entrepreneur, let us guide you to pivot, grow, or strengthen your business and your financial wellness. Win a $225 Business Plan registration! One lucky (more…)

Que Puede Hacer WWBIC Por Ti

  •  September 30, 2024
     12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Aprenda sobre los servicios que WWBIC puede ofrecerle, incluyendo información sobre los cursos en educación para pequeños negocios y sobre los recursos financieros disponibles para todo tipo de negocio existente o en planes de ejecución. GRATIS (more…)

The Importance of Financial Statements Beyond the “Shoebox”

  •  October 2, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Knowing your numbers will help you manage your cash, empower your decision-making process, and give you the confidence you need to take your business to new heights.  Having your bills, payments, and sales documented and organized will help you understand your financial statements.  In this training, we will go over the importance of organized record (more…)

Introduction to Kiva and Crowdfunded Loans

  •  October 21, 2024
     12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Learn about Kiva@WWBIC and the unique system of social underwriting. Kiva US offers crowdfunded business loans from $1,000 to $15,000 that are 0% interest and fee free. Join our interactive discussion with a Kiva Capital Access Manager to learn more about applying for a Kiva Loan. Gain insight on the process and preparation needed to (more…)

Funds in Motion: Money In and Money Out

  •  October 24, 2024
     5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

When it comes to owning a business, understanding how cash flows in and out of your business is vital. Join us and discuss what makes up your cashflow, how to enhance your business’s financial strategy and decrease financial risk. (more…)