•  September 30, 2022
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

How many of you have uttered the phrase – “If I would have only known then what I know now”?  Did you know that most businesses will not make it past their 5th anniversary without the right processes/procedures put into place.  Whether you are new to business or been around for a bit, this class will offer a couple of pointers that will help prevent making some costly errors.

Join us to hear from CeCelia Bos; Owner of BOS’ Optimal Solutions, LLC who will provide you with the Top 10 Boo-Boo’s Businesses Make.  It will be a fun class that will offer some insight that will make you more successful in your business.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


816 W Capitol Dr, Appleton, Wisconsin, 54914

