Stories of Success

Elizabeth Handle | Milwaukee Kayak Company
“Enrolling in the WWBIC Start Smart series was a very important step in developing my business goals and objectives. Thank goodness for WWBIC!”

Elizabeth Handle decided to launch her business, Milwaukee Kayak Company, to introduce people to the sport of paddling on Milwaukee’s unique waterways while providing a healthy, fun, and safe recreational opportunity for the community.

While preparing to open her business, Elizabeth attended WWBIC’s Start Smart Business Planning Series and received one-on-one assistance. This helped her make specific business decisions, learn about marketing and financial planning, and create a business plan! Milwaukee Kayak Company opened in June 2013, creating one full-time job. Within the next year, Elizabeth plans to double the size of her fleet and hire two additional employees.

Milwaukee Kayak Company
318 South Water Street
Milwaukee, WI 53204