Putting Dreams to Work

Credit / Financial Wellness
WWBIC can help strengthen your finances

Classes / Trainings
WWBIC provides training sessions year-round

Capital / Lending
WWBIC is an equal opportunity lender

Connections / Coaching
WWBIC provides resources and assistance
Who We Are
Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) opens the doors of opportunity by providing individuals who are interested in starting, strengthening or expanding businesses with access to critical resources such as responsible financial products and quality business and personal finance training.

Since 2012, WWBIC has been rated by Aeris, the nationally-recognized information service for community investors. Aeris provides a comprehensive, third-party assessment of community development financial institution (CDFI) loan fund fiscal strength, performance, and impact. In 2022, WWBIC was re-rated and demonstrated an improved performance. WWBIC is pleased with our new rating of A-***. This rating represents an upgrade over our prior rating, reflecting organization improvements that were initiated as a result of our first rating. Our new rating also provides meaningful comprehensive information to make enhancements to our programs and processes.
New Client Form
Everyone receiving training, coaching, lending or other services from WWBIC is required to submit an information form annually. An updated version of this form is now available online. Access it now!