Who We Are

The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) is a leading innovative statewide economic development corporation whose mission is “Putting Dreams to Work.”

Founded in 1987, WWBIC hosts six regional Women’s Business Centers of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) across Wisconsin, plus a childcare-focused Women’s Business Center based out of their statewide headquarters in Milwaukee. WWBIC has a staff of over 50 employees.

What We Do

WWBIC opens the doors of opportunity by providing any individuals who are interested in starting, strengthening or expanding businesses with access to resources such as financial products and quality business and personal financial training.

The services we provide to the thousands of clients we serve each year revolve around the “Four Cs”:

Credit/Financial Wellness – WWBIC encourages financial wellness for small business owners and all Wisconsinites through training sessions that provide credit recovery assistance and tips on how to save money. Find out more on Credit/Financial Wellness

Classes/Trainings – WWBIC offers entrepreneurship training sessions statewide including our popular 9-week course on building a business plan. Trainings are available in person or online, offered year-round, many at no fee. Find out more on Classes/Trainings

Capital/Lending – WWBIC is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and is among Wisconsin’s largest microlenders. WWBIC provides access to capital for business start-ups and expansions. Find out more on Capital/Lending

Connections/Coaching – WWBIC provides valuable individualized feedback to our clients through technical assistance, sustaining relationships with our clients to ensure they have access to the tools and skills they need to grow profitable, sustainable businesses. Find out more on Connections/Coaching

Our Impact

Since 1987, WWBIC has served over 80,000 individuals and loaned over $135 million to small business owners. WWBIC’s technical and capital support has created or retained over 24,000 jobs with over 12,000 businesses started, strengthened, or expanded. WWBIC has also provided $1.88 million in financial wellness and match savings assistance to Wisconsin residents since 1999. Read some of our clients’ success stories.

WWBIC is an Aeris-rated CDFI

Since 2012, WWBIC has been rated by Aeris, the nationally-recognized information service for community investors. Aeris provides a comprehensive, third-party assessment of community development financial institution (CDFI) loan fund fiscal strength, performance, and impact. In 2022, WWBIC was re-rated and demonstrated an improved performance. WWBIC is pleased with our new rating of A-***. This rating represents an upgrade over our prior rating, reflecting organization improvements that were initiated as a result of our first rating. Our new rating also provides meaningful comprehensive information to make enhancements to our programs and processes.


WWBIC is funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration, U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development as well as many other state and local entities, financial institutions, private foundations, investors and individual donors.

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