Introduction to Kiva and Crowdsourced Loans

  •  November 7, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Learn about Kiva@WWBIC and the unique system of social underwriting.  Kiva US offers crowdfunded business loans from $1,000 to $15,000 that are 0% interest and fee free.  Join our interactive discussion with a Kiva Capital Access Manager to learn more about applying for a Kiva Loan.  Gain insight on the process and preparation needed to (more…)

Kiva Loan Application Workshop

  •  November 21, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You have decided a Kiva loan is right for you and now it is time to apply!  Spend an hour with a Kiva Capital Access Manager working on your applications including crafting your stories, visualizing your payment plans, and coming up with crowdfunding strategies. (more…)