March 14, 2020
9:30 am - 11:30 am
Use your online assets more efficiently and increase your digital marketing impact. Learn how to use your website content to gain customers. Gain insights to social media advertising. Understand the pros and cons of advertising on Google.
Ron Giordan is a “content producer/creator”. At 15-years-old, he started working at a radio station in Phoenix, AZ writing news copy. After graduating from Marquette University, he spent 20 years producing newscasts at 8 different TV stations across the country ending his TV career in Madison at WKOW-TV as the Assistant News Director. Seeing the trend of digital content invading traditional mass media, Ron transitioned to a Madison digital agency where he led the content team for 5 years.
Now, Ron runs his own content creation company, SynRG Marketing, while caring for his two children. He and his wife, Charlotte Deleste, started Gio’s Garden in 2009 raising $250,000 solely using social media marketing and events. The nonprofit respite care home, open since 2012, provides therapy and help to families of special needs children ages birth to 6. The respite home is named after their son, Giovanni.